Usual mmpack commands

This is a basic example on how to create a new mmpack prefix in your profile named mmpack-prefix, install the eegview package within it, and then to run it.

# mmpack repository to pull the packages from

# define a prefix to use throughout the whole session
export MMPACK_PREFIX=$HOME/mmpack-prefix

# create a working prefix

# update package list from given repository
mmpack update

# search for eegview
mmpack search eegview

# install eegview
# Note: eegview has dependencies (libeegdev0, libmcpanel0 ...)
# They should be pulled as well, and mmpack will ask for your
# consent before proceeding.
mmpack install eegview

# run the eegview you just installed
mmpack run eegview

Typically when you write a command mmpack as follow: mmpack command name

The name on the commandline can represent:
  • a path to the package
  • the package name
  • the string “package_name=version”
  • the string “package_name=key:value”, where “key” could be equal to “hash”, to “repo”, or to “version”

Note on running binaries installed with mmpack

When running a binary installed using mmpack (for example eegview) you NEED to call them using the mmpack run command. This is for several reasons. The main one is that you can have multiple instances of the same binary available on your station - for example a system one, and a mmpack one. Also, mmpack will run the right one, including the correct configuration files associated to your binary, and use the correct libraries.

Ensuring that several installations of the same binary do not conflict is not a trivial operation if you come to think about it; this should do the job for you.