Installing mmpack

Supported platforms

mmpack currently supports debian-based linux distributions, and windows >= 7.

It has only been tested on Debian stable, and windows 10.


The mmpack install binary depends on the mmlib, the libyaml, the libarchive, and the libcurl.

Installation instruction for the mmlib:

The mmpack-build tool are written in python3 and depends on the following python3 modules: elftools, pefile, yaml.

See the developer’s guide for a full breakdown of runtime, build-time, and other dependencies.

Compiling from source

mmpack uses autotools.

Below are the usual targets:

mkdir build && cd build
../configure --help  # list the possible options
../configure [options]

# run the tests
make check

# build the doc (if configured with --enable-sphinxdoc)
make html

# install (may require root permission,
# configure using --prefix so as to not to)
make install