Mindmaze Opensource

This is a hub to all the open source projects released or supported by MindMaze.

project sources github mirror issue tracker documentation
mmlib mmlib sources mmlib mirror mmlib issues mmlib doc
mmpack mmpack sources mmpack mirror mmpack issues mmpack doc
rtfilter rtfilter sources rtfilter mirror rtfilter issues
xdffileio xdffileio sources xdffileio mirror xdffileio issues
eegdev eegdev sources eegdev mirror eegdev issues
eegview eegview sources eegview mirror eegview issues
mcpanel mcpanel sources mcpanel mirror mcpanel issues
linuxdoc linuxdoc sources linuxdoc mirror linuxdoc issues linuxdoc doc


system package repositories

Provide system package for debian and windows. They have been tested on debian 10 (stable) and are regularly tested on windows using mingw64.

  • debian: https://opensource.mindmaze.com/debrepos/
  • windows: https://opensource.mindmaze.com/mingw/

mmpack package repositories

mmpack repositories come in two flavors: stable, and unstable.

The stable repository is manually updated at each release.

The unstable repository is automatically updated at each commit merged on the master branch of the corresponding project.


  • stable: https://opensource.mindmaze.com/mmpack/stable/debian/
  • unstable: https://opensource.mindmaze.com/mmpack/unstable/debian/


  • stable: https://opensource.mindmaze.com/mmpack/stable/windows/
  • unstable: https://opensource.mindmaze.com/mmpack/unstable/windows/